Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!

Last weekend I spoke to my Uncle Graeme who I haven't talked to in many years, he mentioned that he reads my blog and that I haven't updated it in a while, so this update is for you :)!

It's been nearly 6 weeks since I updated this, oops sorry!! In all honesty though I have come here quite a few times to do an update, but just haven't known what to say and I guess no news, is good news, right?!? 

I officially ended chemo on Sunday 11th August 2013!! It has been great waking up knowing that I don't have to go to the hospital for more chemo!! I still have my PICC line in (my choice) so have had to go back to the hospital once a week for a dressing change and a blood test. 

In the last 6 weeks the lowest my hemoglobin has dropped to is 81 which was in the week after I finished chemo. My last blood test results from 6/09/13 it was at a 102, so slowly improving, every now and then it drops down a few but no where near the 80 zone which is great, so means no more blood transfusions for me!! 

I have been getting my energy back which is a great feeling! I spent a week back home at Mum and Dad's the other week, which was nice. I got to catch up with a few friends that I hadn't seen in a while. Have been on a couple of lunch dates with some other friends back in Adelaide, feels good to be able to start living life again! I have slowly been getting my house back in order too and have been able to help out with a bit of cooking and cleaning! The only real side effect I am experiencing at the moment, is joint pain in my ankles, elbows and hands. I also have the neuropathy in my hands and feet still, other then those 2 things I generally feel pretty good. I still get tired if I push my self too much though. 

So tomorrow marks the end of the 6 week mark since I finished chemo, so that means I have my scans to see what this nasty thing called Cancer is doing!! Best news will be that its all gone!! I have my PET scan Monday 16th September at 9am! CT scan is scheduled for Friday 27th September. I get my results back and find out where I go to from here on Friday 4th October. Which ironically is 1 YEAR TO THE DAY since I found out I had cancer! I got told on Friday October 5th last year! So lets hope that this year I hear the words "No active cancer"!! With cancer though I have learned you need to 'hope for the best, prepare for the worst' which is what I have done throughout my whole treatment! I can't believe its been almost a year, it has gone unbelievably fast. It does not feel like I have had a year off work! When the doctor told me what he thought I had, he told me that it would take a year out of my life, he wasn't wrong! I am looking forward to being able to enjoy my birthday, Christmas and New Years a lot more this year! Wasn't a lot to celebrate last year, with a cancer diagnoses not long before. 

I wish I had more to update you all on, but I don't! I will have more news in a few weeks! xx