Saturday, November 16, 2013

It's hard, at the end of the day….

I have come here many times to write a new blog but just end up sitting here looking blankly at the screen not knowing where to start or what to write!

I am not sure how I am feeling since finishing up all my treatment, if I am being honest as I usually try to be on here, it is pretty scary! I may have mentioned in a previous blog, i can't remember. But whilst you are on chemo you have the comfort of knowing that the cancer is being killed or kept away. Now i am off it the scary thoughts keep rearing their ugly heads and the fear and anxiety seem to creep back in every now and then. I know this is normal for someone who has been through something like I have so it doesn't worry me, it can just get a little annoying sometimes when you are going about your day and something will jump out at you and remind you of what you have been through or what your future may hold. At the end of the day, its hard. I fought something that tried to kill me and those memories won't disappear overnight. 

I have started seeing an exercise physiologist to help me regain my strength. He has been fantastic and I have noticed a great improvement even in the few short weeks that I have been going. Before I started seeing him my joints and body would ache any time I stood up and moved but now it is much better. I see him 2-3 times a week for an hour at a time. We do things like weights, treadmill, bike etc. 

On Friday 1st November I had my first clinical checkup with my Oncologist. It felt weird going back to the hospital after not having to go there for a month. He checked me over and didn't see or feel anything that he was concerned about! My next check up with him is 6th December. He said that he feels that I have transitioned from chemo well. 

Saturday October 26th I was asked to participate in the Candle Light Ceremony in the Murray Bridge Cancer Council Relay For Life. I lit the candle of the present. They have 3 candles that signify 'The Past, Present & Future'. It was an honour to be asked to do this in my home town in front of my family. 

Doing a lap with our candles
As above

During the ceremony
The band playing
Me with my candle (in the middle)
I also got asked to be the feature story in the latest Cancer Council bequest brochure and letter that accompanies it. I felt very privileged to be asked to do this and it makes me feel like I am doing some good out of a horrible situation and I hope that after reading my story people consider leaving money to the Cancer Council in their will.
The brochure
I have been busy planning fundraisers for the Cancer Council through Relay For Life. This will be the second Relay For Life I have participated in, it is great fun but also a lot of hard work! If you would like to donate here in the link: Relay For Life Fundraising Page  

I am also in the middle of planning a holiday to Tasmania for the start of next year! It is great being able to plan things! Life will never be the same again but I am trying to learn to live with the life I have been given and I am incredibly grateful that I am still here today to be able to share my story. 

I know a lot of people who have been through something like I have say that they now look at the world in a whole new light but its true. I now see what is important and what is not. I make time to just sit down, relax and watch the world go by! Life is to fragile and short to worry about the small things. I will always take time out for me and look after myself as no one can do that for you. Life is what you make it, have fun, be crazy and don't care what others think about you. 

I hate that I got Cancer but it showed me how to appreciate life as tomorrow is never promised and life can change or be taken away from you in a instant. Its also led me to some amazing people who I will be friends with forever. I believe I have been given a second chance at life and I am not going to waste it!

This song was sang at my very first Relay For Life that I attended in May this year. I was in the middle of treatment and had a blood transfusion the day before. I was standing with an amazing group of ladies in a massive crowed! As I looked around there was not a dry eye in the crowd! Whilst it makes me sad it always reminds me of how far I have come! 


So it seems this time I didn't have trouble finding something to write about! Until next time xxx