Friday, April 18, 2014


It seems I left everyone hanging with the results of my scan. The good news is they came back clear, the "tumours" are still shrinking. It was a pretty stressful wait for my results but I returned to work in the few days before my results were due so I had that to concentrate on. I have returned back to my previous employer at 15 hours a week, which works out to 3 days. This is not enough for me and they can't give me any more hours so I am currently looking for full time work.

I have coped with being back at work fine, I do have the odd day where I am tired but with an early night I am ok the next day. My Dr told me to expect this for up to 12 months after treatment. 

My results appointment went as expected. I was slightly confident (but not too much) that the results were going to be ok. There was 2 things that I thought he was going to tell me and I was right. The first one being that I have a Vitamin D deficiency, but that is easily fixed with Vitamin D vitamins. The 2nd and more concerning one was that I have gone in to early menopause. I don't know a lot about this except that I wont be able to conceive children. I have an appointment coming up with a gynaecologist so I will find out more then. These 2 things didn't shock me as I already knew thats what he was going to say. 

He was happy for me to have another CT scan 6 months after my last one, so that will be around August 2014. I have another clinical checkup with him at the 3 month mark which is scheduled for 23rd May 2014. 

So I have now been officially Cancer free for 6 months! The photo below was taken on the 6th April 2014 with 7 months hair growth! I have had an appointment to see how much hair extensions are going to cost me, now I will just wait for it to grow a little bit longer and get them!