Thursday, June 12, 2014


Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

The above explains how my life is. Every little thing going on inside my body makes me feel anxious, every little ache or pain makes stress way too much. 2 years ago I wouldn't have paid any attention to them but now my thoughts run wild with what it could mean and what could possibly be wrong with me. It's mentally draining. My future is uncertain. I guess everyone's is, I just think and worry about mine a lot more then the general person. 

I am coming up to a year since I got the all clear. 4 months exactly! The last 8 months has gone so fast. I have a scan in August, this will be at the 10.5 months mark so if this comes back all clear (fingers crossed it does) then I'm not sure what happens from then onwards, whether I'll go to yearly scans or still have them 6 monthly. 

8 months hair growth - feels like it's taking forever! 

In my last update I said I was seeing my oncologist and gynocologist.  Oncologist appointment went well, he was happy with most things except that my vitamin d levels had only gone up one... That was my fault for not taking it though! Last appt my thyroid levels were low but this time, perfect. I had a sore muscle in my hip/groin area for about 5 weeks before seeing him, and me being me instantly jumped to the conclusion I had bone cancer! So I asked him about that too, he did a few leg tests and put it down to a strained muscle, they can take months to heal. It's still a little sore today but getting better! Really need to stop stressing myself out! In the week leading up to my appointment I kept feeling my neck to see if I could feel anything and was adamant that I could! Turns out I was stressing for nothing... AGAIN! Dr couldn't feel anything! I mentioned to him that the arm on the side that I had a lymph node removed from neck constantly aches, he assured me this is normal for someone who has had a lymphnode removed, phew another thing I don't need to stress about, however it is really annoying and painful. So that sums up that visit. 

A week later I saw the gyno. This was a quick appointment. She went through a few things that I don't really understand. Wants to put me on the pill but with my possible blood clot history wants to do a blood test checking for blood clots and also do a bone density scan to see if going through menopause has weakened my bones. I had the scan last week and it was the easiest, quickest scan I've had to date. Took all of 5 minutes. I can't get back into see her until August. So will get the results back then of both tests. 

In May I participated in my second Relay For Life to raise money for the Cancer Council. In the 2 years we have done it my team/s and I have raised a massive $24,000!! It's something I look forward to every year and am really passionate about!

My beautiful friend Kirsty and I at the Relay For Life. 

So that all brings me to today. I'm alive, healthy(ish) and living one day at a time. 
