Friday, August 29, 2014

My life is never dull!

I haven't had a lot to update on lately, which is a good thing I guess. 

In my last entry I mentioned that I had hurt my hip/groin, this is still hurting. I saw my regular GP about it and he requested I have an x-ray and ultrasound done on it. The results came back saying there was a small amount of fluid on the joint but nothing else. He then asked me to get a CT scan done. I already had a CT scan booked for the 16th of August for my "cancer check up" so asked if I could just add it on to that and he was fine with that. I arrived for my CT scan and told the receptionist I had the flu with a possible chest infection, the receptionist spoke with the radiographer and she said they would prefer not to do the "cancer" CT that day as they would like my chest to be clear as to not cause any panic if something showed up. They did my hip CT though, if only all my CT scans were that easy! No drink and no injection of the dye! I rescheduled my other CT for 2 weeks time, which is tomorrow. I went and saw a GP and he prescribed antibiotics. I took the week off work to try and fully recover so I would be well enough to have my scan.

I hadn't had a chance to get into my GP to get the results back from my scan as I had been sick and then he was booked out. I guess he got sick of waiting for me as he called me with the results today. He said that there is no blood flow to my hip joint and that he suspects I have something called Avascular Necrosis. He needs to put me onto a specialist and told me to prepare myself that I will most likely need a hip replacement. Not something you want to hear at 27! Now i just wait until I can get into the specialist to see what they say. So now that is 3 things that have gone wrong, Cancer, Menopause and now this! Surely that is it? Not sure how much more I can take!

Speaking of menopause! I had my follow up appointment with my Gynaecologist  on the 5th of August. I got the results back from my bone density scan and funnily enough only 9% of people have stronger hips then me! My spine is also good. I had forgot to get my blood clot test done until the day before I saw her so she hadn't got those results back when I saw her. She told me to send her a text the following week and she would let me know them. She gave me a prescription for the pill and said if the results came back clear I could start taking it. As I was sick in bed with the flu I forgot to message her, so did it the following week. She got back to me and said that the blood tests results were all clear and to start taking the pill. I am going to start tomorrow night, it was easier to start the packet on the right day otherwise it would all get muddled up.  I am a little nervous about taking it due to the risk of it causing blood clots, but I guess they did the test and it came back clear so I should be ok. 

That brings me to today. I have my CT scan tomorrow morning and get the results back on the 5th September. I really really hope it comes back clear!! I will update when I get them back! xx