Saturday, July 25, 2015

First 2015 update

Would you believe it's been 9 months since I last posted an update? I have come here many times to post one but haven't had a lot to write about, today I do however have something to fill you in on! 

Friday 10th July I was driving home from work and felt a lump in my left elbow crease, like anyone else who has been through something similar to me, I immediately began to panic. As soon as I got home I started googling to see if I could figure out what it was, this time Google didn't help me. I stressed about it over the weekend. Tuesday I mentioned it to the Pharmacist at work and he told me to book in with my dr ASAP as with my history one can never be too cautious.
I called my GP but could not get an appointment for 2 weeks, I knew I couldn't wait that long so I called and made an appointment with my oncologist for that Friday (17th July). Friday morning came and I felt so incredibly sick with stress that I was making myself vomit. I had convinced myself that I now had a secondary cancer. 
1:20pm I arrived at the hospital, I had to wait about 20 minutes to see my oncologist. He had another oncologist with him as it was a "slow day" in the Youth Cancer Clinic. I explained what I had felt and then they both had a feel. Their suspicions were either a blood clot from the PICC line I had in that arm or an inflamed lymphnode. If it was a lymphnode it would need to be removed and biopsied ASAP. He also mentioned that he had never heard of anyone getting cancer in their elbow after having Hodgkins and that it would be incredibly rare if it was. 
They checked me out to see if there were any other lumps they could feel but they couldn't. My blood results also didn't show anything suspicious. It was recommended I have an ultrasound to see what was going on. 
After a few calls they managed to get me in somewhere that same day. 
4:00pm I went and had my ultrasound. The girl that was doing it stopped half way through and said she wanted to get the dr to have a look. I was now starting to worry!! They both came back and the dr was looking at it and said what she thought it was. I asked her if she thought it was cancer and she said no. She was pretty certain it was a ganglion cyst, which are rare on the elbow, they normally occur in the wrist. They normally just leave them if they aren't causing any problems and sometimes they can go away by themselves. 

In other news, my hair is growing back nicely! I have finally got it to a style and length that I am happy with. 

Relay For Life 2015
In May I participated in my 3rd Cancer Council Relay For Life. My team and I raised just over $22,000, this brings our total to over $45,000 in 3 years! 
Quinzi's Sisters From Other Misters Relay For Life Team

I have my next checkup CT scan at the end of August. This will take me to the 2 years in remission. We are pretty confident that this scan wont show anything bad. This will hopefully be my last CT scan for a very long time.

Until then xx