Monday, August 31, 2015


I can't believe its been a year since I had my last CT scan and nearly 2 years since I found out I was in remission. 

I despise CT scans so so much! The whole scan takes only 5-10 minutes but I still hate them. I have to fast for 2 hours before my scan, which normally means no breakfast as I try and get a 9am appointment. Instead I get to drink the Barium Sulfate drink. It actually doesn't taste that bad. It looks like milk but certainly doesn't taste like it. I have to drink 1 cup every 20 minutes over an hour. Once finished I get taken in for the scan. I lie down in the CT scanner, get a cannula put in and a drip connected. They do a few test runs and get the scanner lined up. Once they are happy with the position they inject the first lot of dye. This is the part that I hate. It gives you a warm flush that you can feel throughout your whole body and it makes you feel like you have peed yourself (true fact)! Once that scan is finished they administer more dye to scan my neck. Then the scan is over! I have to hang around for another 10 minutes to make sure I don't have a reaction to the dye and then I am good to go.

The delicious liquid
This brings me to today.. I now have to wait until this Friday to get the results back from the scan. It feels like forever away. My anxiety is at an all time high.

Below is a quote that I love and helps me through the harder times. 

I will be back to update at the end of the week. My blog is still getting hits so I presume there are still a few of you that read it.
