Monday, October 12, 2015

Quick Update

Just a quick update! 

Friday 4th September I saw my oncologist to get my results back from my scan. All nodes that had previously had cancer in them came back stable, however a new node has shown up at double the size to last years scan. This node is located in my right inguinal region. I previously had no cancer in this region. My oncologist asked me to get an ultrasound on it ASAP. I managed to get in somewhere on the following Monday 7th at 11am. By 12pm he had let me know the results, he said it looked reactive to something rather then lymphomatous, he was happy to watch and wait and get it re checked in 3 months (Dec). I guess if it is still there then they will biopsy it. 

All other blood work came back ok, except my vitamin d was low... again! I will see my oncologist again December 4th! Will update more after that.
