Saturday, May 27, 2017

I'm back!!!

Time for an update! Just yesterday I had one of my 6 month checkups! I had major anxiety about this one, I had 100% convinced myself this thing that once invaded my life had returned. Rewind to about 3 weeks before when I booked in for my chest X-ray, I started feeling short of breath, this continued right up until I saw my oncologist. I believe I had a tumor in my chest and that I was going to get bad result. Turns out my stress and anxiety was for nothing and everything came back clear! People tell you to "not stress" or "it will be ok" but it's not that easy, I really wish it was. Don't get me wrong, for 5 months out of the last 6 I didn't stress, but it's just that few weeks before I see my oncologist that my mind starts playing crazy tricks on me. My heart rate and blood pressure were both high due to my anxiety. I did also mention to him that I had been short of breath, he said to contact him if it continues and he will organize a lung function test as one of the chemo drugs I was on can cause problems with the lungs. Here's hoping it's just anxiety related.

So I see him again in 6 months for what will hopefully be my last CT scan for a very long time! He has also requested I get a heart scan around the same time, just to make sure another one of the chemo drugs hasn't affected that. Nothing to worry about for this one, just a precautionary scan. This CT scan will also bring me to 4 years clear! I can't believe it's been nearly 4 years since I got the all clear and 5 years since I was diagnosed. In a funny way it feels like only yesterday I went through it all but at the same time feels like forever ago. Every now and then I will go back through and read my blog, it's almost like I'm reading someone else's story. It seems very surreal that I went though all this. My mind has shut it out, which is a good thing!

I'm still waiting to get my hip replacement. I see the orthopedic surgeon every year and not much changes so we keep putting it off which I'm ok with as I don't really want to have it anyway so the longer I can put it off the better. The pain doesn't impact on my life too much, I do walk with a sight limp but that's about it.