Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Yay!! I stayed out of hospital for my birthday and Christmas!! I had chemo on Wednesday 19th December. This time i was much better, didn't get any chest pain, so that was great. I woke up Christmas morning feeling a little off, but had some breakfast and felt better. 

Over the last 2 months, i have received some very generous gifts from everyone, from flowers, journals, scarves, beanies, willowtree figurine, food, vouchers, money and everything else in between. I have been so lucky to have some amazing people support me through what no doubt will be one of the toughest things i will have to face in life. Having all the support has definitely made it a little easier. A special mention needs to go to a group of beautiful ladies whom most I've never met. You all are really one in a million, without you all I'm not sure how i would cope. I know that if i need to vent, no matter what time of day, there is always someone around to talk to. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.  

My hair is still falling out.. slowly (I am lucky i have so much of it). I am dreading the day that I will need to shave it, it will be a very hard thing to do. I have my wig here ready to go. Its a pitty its going to be summer, otherwise i would just wear beanies and cover up. 

Next week i have a CT scan, a PET scan, Chemo and a meeting with my doctor. Hoping the meeting brings good news.

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