Sunday, July 21, 2013

Stupid platelets!

Monday 15th July I went into the hospital to have my PICC line dressing changed, the nurse told me that my haemoglobin was low last week so wanted to see what it came back as today and that she would call me when the results came in if I needed a transfusion. I was out for lunch with Sam, Kirsty, Michael and their kids when the nurse called to tell me haemoglobin was now 81, she gave me the option of having a transfusion on Tuesday or waiting to see what Thursday's blood test came back at, of course I said I would wait. She said that she would book me in for blood on Friday just incase otherwise I wouldn't get an appointment if I needed one. 

Thursday 18th July Sheena (IMVS Nurse) came and took my blood and I waited to get the phone call that I knew was coming from the hospital to say I needed blood. I can usually tell when I am going to need it as I feel really flat and tired when my blood is low. 4pm came and the nurse called to tell me my haemoglobin was now 77 so I would need 2 bags of blood on Friday at 10:30. She said I had to go the local IMVS clinic first thing Friday morning as they didn't have a group and match for me. I told her that I was pretty sure that Sheena had taken one that day, but she said that nothing was showing on her screen so go and get one anyway.

Friday 19th. Sam and I got up early and headed to the IMVS clinic so I could get a group and match done. I was talking to the nurse there and told her that I was going in for a blood transfusion at 10:30am that day, she said that my blood test wouldn't be picked up from her until 10am and the results wouldn't get back to the RAH until after 12pm so she didn't see any point in her taking my blood. I said that I explained to her that I was sure Sheena did one yesterday, she said that she could make a phone call and find out what was taken. A group and match was taken so she said the RAH should have my results by now. So of we went to the RAH hoping that they had my blood type matched and blood bags on order so we wouldn't have to wait around. 
We arrived in time for my appointment and I had to wait a few minutes in the waiting area. My nurse for today was a new one that I hadn't had before. I said to her about not having a blood test that morning and she said she would check to see if there was blood for me in the fridge. She came back with a bag of blood, yay! I had 2 bags of blood (bags number 16 & 17), when I was nearly done with my 2nd bag I realised I was going to be late for my appointment with my Dr and asked one of the nurses to call him to let him know I was going to be late. He came up and seen me instead. We spoke about what is going to happen when I finish my last round of chemo. I wait 6 weeks and then have scans, then possibly another biopsy and radiation. I asked him what he predicts is going to happen and he laughed and said with me he doesn't want to predict anything!!! He told me that my platelets from the blood test on Thursday were 50 and at that stage are too low to go ahead with chemo on Monday, they need to be over 80 for them to proceed. I need to get a blood test first thing Monday when I get to the hospital and they will make the decision then as to whether or not I can have chemo, if they come back too low still they will postpone my chemo until later in the week or possibly even the week after. This is the lowest that my platelets have been. I have pretty much slept all of the weekend so I am hoping that my body is repairing itself for tomorrow and that my platelets have at least gone up to 80 so that my last round isn't delayed! 

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