Saturday, April 27, 2013

Results are in....

I had my appointment with my oncologist on Friday 26th April to get my results of my PET scan. Last scan showed a reading of 8/9 for cancerous activity in my neck and this one showed a reading of 2/2.2 so he was really happy with that. He also had to work really hard to feel the lymph nodes in my neck :) 

I spoke to him about my heart rate being 120 when rested and then going up to 180 when i walk around. He is going to order a Gated Blood Pool scan which is a test where they inject a small amount of radiation into you and then measure the amount of blood in the heart during different parts of the heart beat. He wanted a ECG done but i told him i had one done a week ago, so he was going to look at the results from that and then speak to a cardiologist to se if there was anything they could do. My heart has been fast since i first went to the doctor with all the symptoms i had. My doctor didn't seem too concerned as all the ECG's i have had have come back saying that it beats normally just fast. 

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