Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I did it!!!

Wow I did it, I really did it!! I made it through 9 months of chemotherapy, who would of thought I could do it? Certainly not me! If you asked me 9 months ago if I thought I would be where I am today, the answer would of been no! I was so certain that I couldn't do it. I guess I proved myself wrong. 

So here is a rundown of my last round of chemo: 

Monday 22nd July - I arrived at the hospital at 8:45 and met up with Kirsty, we made our way up to level 7 and took a seat in the waiting room. As you may recall I was unsure whether or not I would be having chemo today as my platelets level on Friday were too low (50). I had a blood test and it was about a 2 hour wait for the results to come back! They finally came back at 11am and...... it was good news! They needed to be 80 or over and were EXACTLY 80!!! So I had my chemo and then Kirsty dropped me back at Sam's parents house and I spent the day there. 

Tuesday 23rd July - Sam's mum came with me for this one, we arrived at 9am for my appointment. All went well again. Sam's Mum and I did some shopping at Kmart then picked up his Dad and went to lunch at Barnacle Bills! 

Wednesday 24th July - Sam took me to this one, nothing to report. 

Thursday 25th July - Had a blood test today, haemoglobin was 89 so I am expecting that I will need at least one more blood transfusion before this is over.

Monday 29th July - LAST DAY!!! Sam came with me to my last chemo appointment! I had nurse Jeremy who I have had a few times before, he is the only male nurse in the chemo day centre, a lovely guy! All went well, had the usual indigestion pains during the night, but nothing too bad. My haemoglobin is obviously still ok because I didn't get a phone call from the hospital today.

Tuesday 30th July - I had my last nuelasta injection in the tummy today (Thanks Marit)! I woke up with really bad pains in the upper part of my tummy and the feeling I was going to be sick, about 30 mins after Marit had been I started vomiting, I waited a little bit and had a dry piece of toast so I could take my tablets and then try and get some sleep. I slept for an hour or so and woke up feeling a bit better. I wasn't sick for the rest of the day so not sure what caused this as the side effects of the 2 IV chemo's I had the day before don't cause nausea.

So that brings me to today, Wednesday 31st July. I woke up feeling better today, have had a little chest discomfort on and off all day, but I usually get this so not overly worried about it. I am feeling pretty flat and still have my crazy heart rate when I get up and walk around which is annoying and leaves me feeling pretty exhausted! I have a blood test tomorrow, a little worried that my haemoglobin is going to be low and I will have to go in for another blood transfusion. 

So now I wait 6 weeks until I have my scans to see what my tumours have done. I will have a CT and PET scan. If the PET scan comes back with any 'activity' then I will need another biopsy to confirm whether its cancer activity or just scar tissue. If it's cancer then I move onto weeks of radiation, or if it comes back as just scar tissue then I can move on with life! 

Now what to do with my time?? Chemo had become my life. I can't wait to start feeling good again though, I really have forgotten what that feels like. If I am honest its been years since I felt good. I thought feeling so tired and lack of energy was "normal".  

I do have that fear in the back of my mind that the chemo hasn't worked or hasn't worked well enough. Many people tell me to be positive and not to think like that, but I am a firm believer that you need to prepare yourself for the worst at least a little bit. I would hate to walk into the Dr's office thinking everything is going to be okay to be only told bad news. 

I guess time will tell!


Bec said...

"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst" - isn't that how it goes?!
It's the same with Mum, every doctors appointment, there is so much anxiety in wondering when it's going to be bad news again just because we are so used to bad news! So people can tell you to think positive, but it's way easier said than done!! Lets hope the 6 weeks goes quickly and you get stronger and stronger every day. Sending you healing thoughts and wishing you well xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Goddess Warrior,

So easy to say stay positive when your not the one dealing with it hence the saying "Walk a mile in my shoes"
Attitude will take you far so remember - You are braver than you believe and stonger than you think.

Kick Arse Girl!
Anita xox