Sunday, March 24, 2013

I get knocked down.. but i get up again!

Round 2 of BEACOPP nearly completed! This time my nausea kicked in a lot earlier then the first time. I was just coming to the end of the day and I started to feel quite sick, they gave me some Maxalon to help and wanted me to stay another 30 minutes on fluids, I told them I just wanted to go home, so they let me go. We got about 5 minutes from home when the vomiting/dry reaching started, this lasted for the next 4 or so hours until about 9:30pm when I tried to get some sleep. I managed a few hours sleep and then woke up again, laid awake for a while and then fell back asleep, thankfully no more vomiting through the night. Once again it was hard getting back up the next day to go back for more! Sometimes I think back and wish so badly that the ABVD worked so I didn't have to go through this chemo!! With this chemo I seem to have a lot more side effects including:

Sore skin... Yep it hurts haha!
Sore mouth, ulcers, burning etc
Blood noses 
Low platelet count
Low white blood count
Bone pain from the Nuelasta needle i have on day 9
Chest pain after day 8 chemo
Dry skin 

Like the song says... I get knocked down, but I get up again! This is what it feels like with the BEACOPP Chemotherapy regimen, it knocks me down.. but then I still have my "good" days! 

I also thought i would share some photos with you with what an oncology day centre looks like...
The lifts!

The corridor that I walk so many times a week! 
The waiting room! 
One of the bays!
Meet BOB! He makes a great cocktail....
Different bay - I take my Ipad to pass some time!
Nurse setting up to change my PICC dressing!

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