Monday, March 4, 2013


Today I have some incredible bone pain!! OUCH! Thursday 28th February I had a needle in my stomach called Nuelasta to help increase my white blood cell count which is produced in your bones. I have had this needle before and they told me it could cause bone pain, until this time i had never experienced it and i'm glad! I hope it doesn't happen every time. It feels like I have been hit by a bus and sometimes when I stand up by legs buckle. The pain is mainly in my legs, arms and back. I hope it doesn't hang around too long. 

I had my IMVS nurse Sheena come and take some blood today. She put the needle in and nothing came out!! Was a little concerning. So she did it higher up in the vein and it worked! Phew!! 

I have a pretty full on week this week, something on every day but today! Tomorrow i am going to a program called "Look good, Feel Better" which is put on for cancer patients. Its a 2 hour workshop where they teach you how to put on wigs, false eyelashes and generally make you feel "good" about yourself again. At the end of the workshop you get about $600 worth of free makeup and skincare :) Cant complain! 

*EDIT* I didn't get to go to the Look good, Feel Better program as it was cancelled!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel

I was 'introduced' to you via a very dear friend of mine, Anita, the General Manager of Ned's Emporium. She told me she had shared a bit of my story to you and visa versa. Anita sent me the link to your blog of which I had to read straight away.

Your blog touched me, it rekindled many memories for me, of sadness, anger, fear, pain and also inspiration and courage. I know it all sounds so cliche, but determination, inspiration and courage trumphs cancer.

I have danced with death a few times. Yes, it makes you re-evaluate your life. Yes, you go through all the 'normal' emotions. If I had listened to the arrogant SOB Professor when I was told I had 6 months to live and needed to find the best way to tell my children that their mummy was dying, then I'd have been cremated 10 years ago!

I had a similar re-occurence (different part of my body) a few years ago, again I proved them wrong. I simply did not have time to die! I had literally left my 13 year marriage the week before I found out, so becoming a single parent and in the midst of abuse and dealing with a divorce, I thought cancer was an inconvenience. This isn't to say that I didn't have bad days, down days, woe is me days, coz I did!

Rachel, I just want you to know that you have many souls, people, friends, family and even strangers rooting for you. You are stronger than you think. You can beat this.

If you ever want to contact me, my email address is:

Blessings and gentle hugs to you,

Love Linda