Monday, February 25, 2013

BEACOPP, I hate you!

Wednesday 3rd February was my first day of the new BEACOPP regimen. I arrived at 3:30pm for my appointment. I sat down and a nurse talked me through the new treatment, the drugs and what side effects i could face. She gave me a bag of medication that i had to take daily and made me take a anti-nausea tablet before she started the chemo. They also gave me a list of food that i am not allowed to eat while on this chemo. Anything with tyramine i cant have, so vegemite, any cheese, aged foods and sausages like salami, pepperoni etc.

I had my chemo and all was ok. I got home took the rest of my tablets that i need to take that night. I was on the phone to mum and telling her that i can't take the tablets (i have always had a problem taking tablets). I finally got them down with the help of some banana! I said to mum that i was going to be sick and she said i wasn't and that it was "mind over matter". It got to 11:30pm and thats when it started, I have never been so sick in my life :( It lasted until about 1am. I then had to take another tablet, so i took that, then vomited about 30 mins later. I managed to get some sleep and vomited 2 more times during the night. 

I woke up Tuesday morning and still felt quite nauseous. I had to be at the hospital at 11:30am for day 2 of chemo. It was a struggle to get there and i felt like i was going to be sick the whole way. When i got up to the oncology day centre, i took my seat and the nurse that was looking after me that day asked me if i wanted to go into the side room so i could sit by myself as she could see i wasn't feeling well. I said yes. When i got into the room she asked me what had happened the night before. Before giving me the chemo she gave me some IV Maxolon and then some other anti-nausea at the end. I didn't vomit again. Friday mum came down and took me to my appointment for day 3 at 3:30pm. They didn't give me any extra anti-nausea this time, but i was ok. My doctor came up to see me while i was there and asked how things where going on and how i was coping with taking the tablets as he knows this is a struggle for me. This was the first time mum got to meet him.

I can't believe how many tablets i have to take! It's ridiculous! This is my schedule:

DAY 1 - DAY 7:
AM - 8 tablets
ARVO - 1 tablet
PM - 3 tablets

DAY 8 - DAY 14:
AM - 4 tablets
ARVO - 1 tablet
PM - 3 tablets

DAY 14 - DAY 21:
AM - 3 tablets
PM - 2 tablets

Then i start all over again! 

Today is Monday 25th February and I have been feeling ok. I am always hungry and tired, but the steroids make it hard for me to sleep. I have also found it hard to give up cheese! I never realised how much i eat, and how much yummy food has cheese in it or on it! Cheese i will miss you over the 6 months :(. I go back in for day 8 of chemo on Wednesday 27th. Hopefully this one treats me well. I can say that i am not looking forward to having day 1 again in 2 weeks time!!

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