Monday, February 11, 2013

Wish I could run away.

Sometimes I wish I could run away and live in a paradise where I can forget about what's going on.. If only for a day!

Today I had a meeting with an anaesthetist, a nurse, had an ECG and got a blood test. I met with the nurse first and she just doubled checked all my details were correct and asked me a few questions. I then met with the anaesthetist and she double checked my details again and then explained what would happen when they put me under the anaesthetic and any risks involved. Because I have tachycardia (fast heart rate) she wanted a ECG done to make sure my heart was okay. I had my blood test and then went and had my ECG.

I had to call the hospital between 1:30pm and 4pm to find out when my surgery would be. After 14 try's I finally got through! I have to be there at 11am tomorrow morning (Tuesday 12th February). It will only be day surgery, so if everything goes according to plan I should be able to come home late afternoon. I have to fast from food from 6:30am and water from 10am.

So many emotions are running through my head at the moment, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight!

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