Saturday, February 16, 2013

Starting all over again...

Monday 15th February I met with my oncologist to get the results of the biopsy I had last Tuesday. He had only just got the results back that morning. The way he started out talking i thought he was going to tell me that it was actually Grey Zone Lymphoma i had, or something completely different, but he actually said that what they saw when looking at the lymph node was inline with what they saw with the first biopsy, so was indeed Hodgkin's Lymphoma. 

He talked to Sam and I about what Chemotherapy regimen i would need to go on. Talked about each drug and side effects it could cause. The new chemo i am starting is called escalated BEACOPP. It is given over a 21 day cycle, so day 1, day 2, day 3 etc. This is how it runs:

Dose-Escalated BEACOPPMethodCycle Day
10 mg/m²i.v. push            day 8
200 mg/m²i.v. infusionday 1-3
(A)driamycin (doxorubicin)
35 mg/m²i.v. pushday 1
1250 mg/m²i.v. infusionday 1
1.4 mg/m² (max 2 mg)i.v. infusionday 8
100 mg/m²orallyday 1-7
40 mg/m²orallyday 1-14

So i will have chemo on day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 8, with 2 tablets taken for 8 days and 1 for 14 days. Then i have a break from day 14 - day 21 and start all over again. I will be going into hospital 3 day in a row for chemo :(. I SUCK at taking tablets and cant do it, normally have to crush them up or cut them, i'm not allowed to with either one so this could be interesting!!  
One of the drugs in BEACOPP can cause a secondary cancer which is normally Leukaemia, he said it happens in roughly 1 in 100 patients.
I start round 1 on Wednesday 20th February! I am worried how i am going to cope with this chemotherapy drugs, time will tell i guess!
A couple of the drugs can cause bladder issues and stomach ulcers, so i will be given 2 other medications to prevent this from happening.

It is kind of a kick in the guts because I feel like the last 3 months of chemo were a waste and feel like I'm starting all over again! My oncologist said that if this chemo works fantastically I won't need any radiation at the end!! Fingers crossed! I am so ready for my life to go back to normal!

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