Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Adelaide Relay For Life 2013

Saturday 4th May 2013

I had the privilege of being involved in my first ever Relay For Life, and what an experience it was. 

A group of ladies who I have mentioned in this blog before all banded together to pull it off! Over the last few months we have all been fundraising and trying to get as many donations for our two RFL teams "Quinzi's Sisters from other Misters" and "Fish kisses for Finn" to raise money for the Cancer Council SA! We raised a massive combined total of $9034.19!!! 

In April we held a fundraising movie night where $5 from each ticket sold went to our fundraising tally. I also got in contact with lots of companies asking for donations towards a raffle that would be held on the night. The support from the companies that donated goods was just amazing! We sold our raffle tickets for $2 each or $5 for 3. The whole night was a great success and we raised over $700 on this night alone.

The Adelaide Relay For Life alone raised $178,000! 

The relay started at 2pm Saturday and went right through until 9am Sunday! I stayed from 1pm - 11:30pm on the saturday and then went home to my nice warm bed because it was too risky for me to be out in the cold. 

It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to do it again next year! 

Kelly, Finn, Anais and Myself 

Me, Shelley, Kirsty and Keryn

Selling scones and soup to raise more money

Off on our "survivors/carers" lap

Our two teams :)

Some lovely ladies and myself :)

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