Monday, May 6, 2013

Round 4.. half way!!

Monday 29th April 2013 - BEACOPP Round 4... Half way through!

Sam took me to this appointment, we arrived at 9:30am and went off to the waiting bay, it got to around 10am and the nurse that would be looking after me that day came and told me that they were still waiting on my chemo to be made up by the pharmacy as my script had been taken down late and hopefully it wouldn't be too much of a wait. He asked how i was feeling and I said that I was already feeing sick at the thought of having the chemo as it had previously made me sick. 
Alan a man that works with Dr Osborn came up and seen me and told me that he was going to go and make my appointment to have my gated blood pool scan on my heart. He went off and came back and said it was going to be on Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 9:40am. I asked him if Dr Osborn still wanted me to get an ECG done today because i couldn't remember if he had changed his mind on Friday when i saw him, he went and called him and came back and said that it was fine to not have one as Dr Osborn had looked over the results of my last one and my heart was beating in rhythm just fast.

At 11:30am my chemo finally arrived. I got taken into the smallest chemo bays. They gave me half a lorazapam to help with my anxiety and calm me down. The nurse said to make sure I had my blood test on Thursday as my haemoglobin at my last blood test on Friday was 85. I had my 3 bags of chemo and went home. No vomiting once again!! 

Day 2 - Tuesday 30th April 2013 - Arrived at the hospital 9am for chemotherapy, all good. Sam took half the day off work to take me.

Day 3 - Wednesday 1st May 2013 - Arrived at the hospital 9am for chemotherapy, all good. Sam took half the day off work to take me.

Thursday 2nd May - Sam's mum took me for my gated blood pool scan at 9:40am. I got in straight away and the took me out the back and injected me with a tracer, told me to sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes and they would come back and get me, take some blood, add radiation to it and then make we wait another 20 minutes and then inject my blood back into me. I then had to lay in the scanner for 10 minutes while they took a video of how much blood my heart was pumping. Then i was free to go. We went and had lunch and then to the IMVS clinic to get a blood test. We then went and done some shopping at Kmart, which totally exhausted me! Penny dropped me home and i had a nap. 4pm my phone rang and it was the oncology day centre at the RAH telling me I needed to come in tomorrow (Friday) for a blood transfusion as my haemoglobin was now sitting at 81. I asked her how many bags i would need and she said probably 2 but would speak to the doctors. I had to be there at 9am! Having blood is one of the things i hate the most, I think its the thought of someone else's blood going in to you that I don't like. I guess i better get used to them, they seem to be a regular occurrence these days!

Friday 3rd May 9am. Mum came down and took me to my appointment. We arrived and they told me i would be having 2 bags. Each bag costs $330 and takes 1.5 hours to put through. Including these 2 bags, i have now had 7 blood transfusions!! We left there about 1:30pm. 

So everyday this week i have had to be at the RAH at around 9am, i am so not used to these early mornings!!

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