Sunday, May 19, 2013

A week in my life...

The week that was... 

Monday 13th - I had a PICC line dressing today and a blood test. Sam and I went to the shops after this, I ducked under the railing and when I went to stand up, my legs were too weak and I couldn't, so that mixed with the ground being wet, I slipped over and hurt my arm. 

Tuesday 14th - The oncology centre rang to ask if I had the Pegfilgrastim needle last week as my white blood count was now extremely high. I told her I had it last Tuesday (7th). She thought this was the case and said that it must have taken a while to kick in. She also told me that my haemoglobin was 84. She asked if I was having another blood test this week and I said I have another one on Thursday, she told me don't be surprised if I get called in for blood. My arm is still pretty sore.

Wednesday 15th - Nothing to report other then my arm still being pretty sore. I think I may have pinched a nerve when I fell on it. 

Thursday 16th - I had my blood test and the pain has gone from my arm... yay! I did our first online grocery shop through Woolworth's today, it gets delivered on Saturday, can't wait :). 4pm and the oncology centre rang to ask how I was feeling as my haemoglobin was now sitting at 81. She asked if I wanted to come in for blood tomorrow or wait until Monday. I told her I was feeling ok and that I had chemo monday/tuesday/wednesday next week, so we decided it was best I had blood tomorrow. She asked me to get a blood test in the morning to get a "group and hold" done to match my blood type. I said I couldn't as I didn't have any blood forms but I was coming in tomorrow at 1pm anyway. She asked me to get there at 12:30 to have blood taken and that they would squeeze me in for 1 bag of blood after my appointments. 

Friday 17th - I woke up early (6am for the ones playing at home) so Sam could drop me at his parents on the way to work. At 11:45am Sams Dad drove me to pick up his Mum and take us the hospital. We went up to the Oncology day centre to have my blood test done and then we went and had something to eat and drink. 1pm we went and met the psychologist Olivia and then had my meeting with my doctor. I had a few questions to ask him this time. I am half way through my treatment now, so next round which starts on Monday 20th i go onto the "Base dose". 

DrugBase BEACOPPDose-Escalated BEACOPPMethodCycle Day
(B)leomycin10 mg/m²10 mg/m²i.v. pushday 8
(E)toposide100 mg/m²200 mg/m²i.v. infusionday 1-3
(A)driamycin (doxorubicin)25 mg/m²35 mg/m²i.v. pushday 1
(C)yclophosphamide650 mg/m²1250 mg/m²i.v. infusionday 1
(O)ncovin=Vincristine1.4 mg/m² (max 2 mg)1.4 mg/m² (max 2 mg)i.v. infusionday 8
(P)rocarbazine100 mg/m²100 mg/m²orallyday 1-7
(P)rednisone40 mg/m²40 mg/m²orallyday 1-14

He felt my neck and said that he can feel 2 nodes, possibly 3, but they are all 1cm or under which is normal size for nodes... yay! I will have scans at the end of it all to see how good it has worked and whether or not I will need radiation at the end. If all goes to plan my last day of chemotherapy will be July 29th! We then went up stairs to level 7 so I could get my bag of blood and so my doctor could check my blood results.
Before each bag of blood they check your obs... so heart rate, blood pressure and temperature. Heart rate was high (like normal), blood pressure was good and temperature was 37.5 (eeeek, the nurse told me it wasn't allowed to go any higher then this lol). She manually checked my heart rate and told me she thought it was irregular so wanted to do an ECG just to make sure. I had the ECG done (they can bring the machine to you) and my doctor looked at it and said it was fine (phew)! My doctor checked my blood test results and said that if I was due to have chemo today he wouldn't let me as my platelets are too low. He said to have a blood test first thing Monday morning to see whether they have come up enough to have chemo. Fingers crossed they are high enough otherwise it will delay my treatment and end date! Sam's mum went and got my scripts filled for me while she waited. It takes about 2 hours to have one bag of blood. At the end they check your obs again, heart rate had come down slightly, blood pressure fine and temperature still 37.5 so I was free to go home. We had pizza for tea at Sam's parents and then headed home. 

Saturday 18th - Nothing to really report for this day. We got our groceries delivered, soooo awesome! Will be doing it like this from now on!

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