Monday, June 3, 2013

Round 5/8

Monday 20th May - I wasn't sure if i would be having chemo or not as on Friday my platelets were too low. I headed off to the IMVS clinic to get a blood test, she told me she didn't know if the hospital would have my results by the time I was due in for chemo. We went home for a bit and then headed into the RAH. My platelets had increased from 47 Friday to 100, so was able to proceed with chemo, yay! I started the base dose of BEACOPP, which now means I have 3 less tablets to take!! 

Tuesday 21st May - Round 5 Day 2. Nothing to report

Wednesday 22nd May - Round 5 Day 3. Nothing to report

Friday 24th May - Needed 2 bags of blood today as my haemoglobin was 78. This brings the total bags of blood to 10! 

Monday 27th May - Round 5 day 8! This time they just dripped the chemo through rather then pumping it. This seems to have made the side effects of these particular drugs a lot less! Tingling in fingers and toes hasn't been as bad and the indigestion, even though still there not as bad as last round.

Monday 3rd June - I went in for a PICC line dressing today and had a blood test while i was there. Blood results from last thursday for haemoglobin was 93 so I thought i would be alright and not need blood this round! I thought wrong, got a phone call when I got home saying it had dropped to 81, so I will need to go in on Wednesday and have 2 bags of blood. It does explain why I have been feeling so flat and tired the last few days. Total now 12!!

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