Monday, June 17, 2013

Time goes fast..

Wow that 4 weeks went quickly!! Tuesday 11th June I had day 1 of round 6! I would normally have it on Monday's but we had the Queens Birthday public holiday so it was postponed until Tuesday. I had a meeting with my oncologist at 8:30am before my scheduled appointment for chemo at 9:30am. 

I spoke with my oncologist about what is going to happen after my chemo has finished. He said I could get my PICC line out after my last chemo, but wanted me to wait at least 2 weeks to see if I will need blood that round. I think I might wait until after my scans in the middle of september though, so I don't need a cannula put in for each of them. I will have a CT and a PET scan. If the PET scan shows any activity I will then need to have another biopsy done to confirm that it is cancer activity and not just scar tissue. If its cancer I will then go on to have radiation, I am not exactly sure how much of this I would need. If the PET shows no activity, then that's great, I will not need radiation. If its activity and the biopsy shows its just scar tissue, then no radiation either!! He wanted me to get a blood test done before I started my chemo that to check my platelet levels were high enough to have it.

My appointment wasn't until 9:30am but they took me through at 9am to do the blood test as they knew it would take a while to get the results back. They did my PICC line dressing while I waited. I had to wait about an hour or so before my results came back and chemo started, my platelets were fine. We got home about 1pm, I was feeling a little nauseas so spent the rest of the day in bed. 

Day 2 and 3, were both ok. 

So that brings us to tomorrow, which will be day 8, last chemo day of cycle 6. After tomorrow I will have 8 chemo days left and 2 cycles!! 

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