Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blood Transfusion Confusion

Monday Sam and I headed into the RAH for my 9:30am PICC dressing appointment. When I got there I asked if my blood could be given earlier so I didn't have to wait around for it, the lady behind the desk said that she would ask the Nurse who was looking after me that day. I waited in the waiting room until my Nurse came and got me, I asked her about my blood and she said that she didn't know anything about it, so went to check with the ladies behind the desk. We then realised that no appointment had been made for me. I went back and sat in the waiting room while they tried to figure out what was going on. 
She came back and got me and said no blood has been ordered either. I explained to her who it was that called me and that she asked me to have another blood test on Saturday so they could match my blood. She then checked my blood results from saturday and said my haemoglobin was 86, so didn't need blood anyway! I was pretty happy with that because I hate having blood transfusions and didn't fancy sitting there for 5 hours while it happened!

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