Friday, June 7, 2013

Blood Transfusion

June 5th - I had 2 bags of blood today. I took my temperature before I left for the hospital and it was 37.3 so I was worried that by the time i got there it would be higher. At the start of each transfusion they take your blood pressure, heart rate and temperature. My heart rate was 150 and my temperature was 37.8! The nurse rang my doctor to ask what he wanted her to do. He said my heart was fine as that's normal for me, to keep going with the transfusion and to give me panadol to see what happens with my temperature, if I spiked at 38 to stop the transfusion and to call him again. She took my temperature about an hour after the panadol and it was 37.7. I had a beanie on that covered my ears so we thought it could be that, that was making me hot and giving me a higher reading, so I folded it above them to see if the next reading would be lower. I finished the first bag of blood and she took my temp again, this time it was 37.1, yay!! Blood cultures were also taken to be sent off to see if I had an infection. One more bag of blood was given and temp taken at the end, 37.2, so I was free to go home!! 

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